PRODUCTS > Fruit and Vegetable Juices
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Fruit and Vegetable Juices

Fruit and vegetable juices (GB/T31121-2014) : Refers to beverages made by processing or fermentation using fruits and/or vegetables (edible roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits) as raw materials.Fruit and vegetable juice drinks can be divided into fruit and vegetable juice, fruit and vegetable juice concentrate, fruit and vegetable juice thick pulp, compound fruit and vegetable juice and drink, flesh drink, fermented fruit and vegetable juice drink, fruit drink, other fruit and vegetable juice drink, etc. Is it reasonable for our company to combine GB 14880 with the customer's product labeling value?Understand in detail the raw materials and processes used by the customer, consider reasonable wastage and source of compounds according to the customer's situation, and ensure that the particle size, color, properties or other chemical reactions of the customer's final products are not affected. Special formula: Vitamin E, Vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin C, niacin, zinc.Add a variety of vitamins and zinc in fruit and vegetable juice, can supplement daily needs, improve human immunity.