PRODUCTS > Honeysuckle Oil
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Honeysuckle Oil

Product Name: Honeysuckle oil
Basic Information: Honeysuckle oil from Caprifoliaceae Lonicera japonica Thunb and other plants of the dry flower buds or open flowers formed by extraction and refining.
Properties: Yellow or yellowish oily liquid, honeysuckle oil has Jingjie unique fragrance, taste spicy taste hard.
Relative density: 0.8905-0.9280
Refraction: 1.4820-1.5100
Specific rotation: -13 degrees +38 degrees
Boiling range: 205 C
Solubility: Soluble in ethanol

Content: Menthone, menthone, limonene, total alcohol over 95%

Packaging Storage: 25kg/ barrel, sealed and stored in cool, dry place, protected from light.

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